Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected

"Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected."
This is what the state is asking of fellow Arizonans in the continued effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order that will close all "non-essential" businesses as of March 31st, at 5PM. This change comes at the recommendation of the CDC, as well as public health officials who are tracking information specific to Arizona. View the executive order here.
Sami Fine Jewelry has been operating on an "appointment only" basis for the last weeks, out of concern for both our clients and our staff. We will continue to be available for virtual or phone consultations, and our jewelers will still be able to complete repairs. However, our showroom will not be allowed to be open to the public. We will try to accommodate you in the best way possible, including scheduling pick-ups and drop offs of items, and arranging for items to be mailed to you, when appropriate.
You can still shop with us online, 24 hours a day at and Please be aware that items listed as "out of stock" will not be available until it is deemed safe for us, as well as the suppliers that we work with, to return to work. We will keep open lines of communication during this time. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions by responding to this email, or directly messaging Stephenie Bjorkman, owner and CEO of Sami Fine Jewelry at
Our top priority is always the good health of our community, and we will do everything we can to continue to serve our loyal clients, even with limited operations.